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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Planning The Remainder of 2006

You may have noticed we haven't been doing a very good job of keeping the blog updated. Since leaving Monaco on the 2nd, we have not had much luck with internet connections(the good part of that is we are out and active, not spending time sitting, inactive, in front of the computer!). Our time in Vancouver and Rick and Sues internet connection helped us get caught up on our computing. It also allowed us to plan out our remaining 2 months of freedom!

If you recall (new information for new readers), we will be spending winter in Tucson, AZ. Laura has accepted a temporary therapist/utilization review position with Sierra Tucson through April 1st. We have to be in Denver to "officially" start my new career in May 2007. It seems like we just started, but here we are planning our exit :(

Our National Parks pass will expire in December. We figured the best way to finish up with a bang (and maintain the budget) was to hit as many of the National Parks around us as possible.

So, here it is, hot off the press, our plan up to our arrival in Tucson on October 1st!

  • Glacier National Park. We'll be there next week. When we saw the movie "inconvenient Truth" about the global warming crisis. One thing that caught our attention; The glaciers in this park could be completely gone in as little as 10 to 15 years. A very sad thought.

  • Yellowstone NP. We'll drop down and spend a week here starting on the 22nd. A necessary stop on any RV adventure!

  • Grand Tetons, NP. A good spot to spend the long Labour Day weekend.
  • Rocky Mountain NP. We plan to take a day trip or two here from our campground in Golden, CO.
We will be in Denver for 2 weeks starting September 10th. We are going to concentrate on exploring the towns surrounding Denver for places to live. Right now, we really like the Golden and Boulder area. They are closer to the mountains then the rest of Denver. Unfortunately, proximity to mountains usually comes with a high price tag.

From Denver, we'll be heading down to Albuquerque, NM for a few days. We didn't get nearly enough time in this great town on our previous visit last November. Finally, landing in our temporary home(for 6 months anyway), Tucson, AZ.

The green line you see in the map is a tentative plan for the month we will have available to us in April 07. We will spend at least a week in Sedona (our favorite place of all!) and would like to plan another stop at Best Friends' Animal Sanctuary, Moab, and Grand Juction, CO. Finally arriving in the Denver area for start of life 2.0 in May. We plan to live in the coach through the spring and summer while our stuff in storage back in Michigan makes its way out and we search for the right area and home for us!

07 seems so far away! However, so did the end of the tour we left Michigan way back in October, 05!



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