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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Arrived in Salt Lake City

Ok...we're back in SLC. We drove a whopping 180 miles today, landing in the SLC KOA around 12:30pm. We'll be here for a week, before heading over to Colberg, Oregon for our factory appointment on July 11. As you can see from the weather banner above, it's hot here, around 92 today...but it's a dry heat. After we got set up & had some lunch, I called our friend, Karen (a Michigan transplant). We talked about the ride she thinks I can do tomorrow. It's a kind of shuttle ride, but still involves a ride that starts with a 2 mile climb up to 10,000'. Uh...I don't think so. She said her husband, Rich knows I'll be slow. This guy does Ironman triathalons. He doesn't know what slow is until he meets me. I talked to Cari Anders of Cockatoo Street tonight. We're going to hang out tomorrow while Karen and the Riches ride. Since Snuggles just got a shower & a pedicure, she wants to go out while she's looking her best. Trimming Snuggles' nails is always a struggle. Cari says 3 of her 10 'toos line up and hold up their feet when she brings out the file. Oh..if only trimming our 'too was so easy!

Later Rich and I ran out to our favorite SLC grocery store, Harmon's to pick up a few things, especially supplies to make Mint Mojitos. Now I'm not a big mint person, but these are really good on a summer day. Harmon's was out of mint! Their excuse? "Well, we're running a special on salmon & a lot of people cook salmon with mint." WTF???? I've had salmon 7 ways from Sunday and NEVER with mint. Have you ever hear of this? We did find a Wild Oats with mint, so all was not lost. After a couple of mojitos, we BBQ'd up some chicken and chilled for the evening.



At 7:53 PM, Blogger StrawBoss said...

Next time just go for a LemonDrop Martini! ~Judy

An interesting site: http://flyingcracker.com/cocktail/index.php


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