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Friday, June 23, 2006

Wind, rain, and Horsin' Around; Rapid City

One thing I'll say for this campground, there's never a lack of a breeze or a very strong wind. Last night and this afternoon, the wind was so strong that we had to bring in our window awnings. Fortunately, we didn't have many things outside because they would have blown across the street! This afternoon the wind, lightening, and rain came through & then the sun came out and so did a rainbow!

For the most part this was a lazy day. Our big excursion away from the campground was to get groceries. We'd hoped to get some sushi for lunch since I haven't had any in over a week and I'm starting to "suffer" from withdrawals. Unfortunately, we couldn't find any sushi in this, our "hometown" of 60,000 people. Aauuugh!

Tonight we're packing up the moho so we can be ready to leave at 11am (check-out time) tomorrow. Rich has a booth at the campground's flea market so he can sell his No Wet stuff. The flea market is 8:30-11:30, but he'll pack up early so we can roll out of here on time because this campground has a LOT of rule and they are sticklers for them. Here's an example: the speed limit around the campground is 10mph. They have security mini-vans cruising around here 24/7 that have RADAR GUNS! I've never stayed in a campground with soooo many rules, but I guess it keeps out the riff-raff.

We've been taking Snuggy for a walk around the campground every evening. She usually just beats up on dogs. Yesterday, she had a bulldog cowering under a picnic table, that was really funny. Today she had the opportunity to check out some horses as we fed and petted them. It was her turn to cower as she hid behind me, on my shoulder as we fed the horses!



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