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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Sellin' No-Wet

We extended our stay into today so I could take advantage of the craft and flea market held here every Saturday to sell the No-Wet waterless wash. This is a fairly large campground, 500 spaces and it's full for the weekend. However, the clientele is typically, seasonal older members (read they typically don't wash their own rigs!). I didn't set my expectations very high, plus we only had 2 of the 3 available hours of the market. It goes to 11:30, check-out was at 11 and the campground was not wiling to extend the extra time to me as the site was reserved for the day (plus, we weren't members here).

The show started at 8:30 and things started out slow. It turns out, most of the people around here don't rise until 9 or later. I brought along the spare tire cover of the Suzuki to use as a prop to demonstrate the product(it's now the cleanest part of the car :). It also turned out to be the smartest decision I could have made. Some of the older guys were interested, but didn't really understand how the product worked. Once I showed them, they were sold!

In the pic above, I'm demonstrating the product. The guy on the right is counting the money in his wallet (yeah!) and the guy on the left was one who didn't really grasp the concept until the demonstration. He ended up buying too!

At 10:30 I wrapped it up, had to be out of the site by 11! Out of 18 bottles of various products I started with, I only had 4 left! I'm positive had I stuck around till 11:30, I would have sold every bit of it! I ended up somewhere around $150 profit for my 2 hours in the sun, I was happy!!

We spent the remainder of the day driving from Rapid City to Fort Collins, CO. We logged around 340 miles. We stopped in town for sushi and landed in the campground around 8:30

Tomorrow we make the final 70 miles over to Denver.



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