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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Kanab, Utah

Volunteering with Birds

Today we spent the morning volunteering at Feathered Friends at Best Friends animal sanctuary. Most of our morning was spent cleaning cages, which was hard work, but we felt satisfied afterword. From 11am-12pm. we got to clean cages at the isolation house (intake office) for birds in downtown Kanb. They had a sweetheart of an umbrella cockatoo named Lollypop. She liked to say, "Hi Lollypop" and sing "La la la". She willingly stepped onto my arm and let me scratch her....as most cockatoos LOVE to have done. Rich thought he could horseplay with her, like he does with Snuggles. Unfortunately Lollypop didn't know, or like that game and gave Rich a big chomp on the thumb. Fortunately he gave her beak a squeeze to open it up and prevent a bigger chunk being taken out of his thumb.

After lunch we took Snuggles on a field trip up to Feathered Friends, but kept her outside for everyone to "oohh" and "ahh" over. She always has a large fan club, wherever she goes. After that Snuggles and I took about an hour nap while Rich cleaned the car. It was a chilling afternoon for the rest of the day.



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