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Monday, April 24, 2006

Kanab, Utah

A Change of Plans

We initially planned to go to Bryce Canyon National Park today, but we both had a lot of phone calls to make and errends to run. By the time all calls and errends were complete, it was almost noon. Since Bryce is 80 miles away, we chose to go another day when we can get an earlier start. So, we instead chose to go mountain biking again. Since we were going to ride the same trail that we did on Sunday, we chose not to take the camera. And since we didn't take the camera, we came upon the best view we've ever seen on a mounatain bike. The picture to the left is the closest I could find to what we saw. Of course, we didn't go to the edge of a point like this one. We did a little of the south rim trail at Gooseberry Mesa, some of the north rim, and all of the white trail, a jeep trail that goes up the middle of the mesa. Altogether we rode about 8 miles. The nice thing about the jeep trail is that it's a gradual climb all the way out, which makes for a fun, fast, downhill on the way back. I had another great day of riding, as did Rich. It's just so beautiful out here.


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