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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Weekend update

This was a busy, bike riding weekend. But first an update in general. We still haven't sold the house, but we've had more lookers since we lowered the price just before we went to Paris. Still hoping something will happen real soon. In the meantime, we've been packing like fiends. Rich got rid of a ton of stuff from the basement and garage. Most of it was outside, piled up to go out with the trash in a few days. I caught the neighbor twins (boys age 15) and a friend rooting through it. I told them to help themselves, as long as they didn't make a mess. Turns out they've been taking other stuff from the piles we've put out every week.

So Friday night was the University of Detroit Mercy midnight Detroit ride. This is our 3rd year doing this. It's poorly organized, but once it get going (usually around midnight) it's a lot of fun. This year we started at 11:30pm, rode to City Airport, then to American Coney Island, then back to UDM by 4:30a.m. for a total of 30 miles. After crashing out, we got up around 11a.m. on Saturday and got the moho ready to go for the Apple Cider Century () ride in Three Oaks, which is the very southwest corner of Mich. We parked in a field with about 15 other RV's and slept there the night before. After a big pancake & sausage breakfast we headed off. It was looking seriously like rain the whole time, but held off until we had abour 13 miles to go of our 53 mile ride. We went slow and stopped a lot because my feet kept hurting, but we finally finished around 1:30pm.

Now we're home and packing more. We've also made a list of things to do before we leave. We've also made the decision that we need new front shocks to help smooth out the ride and new tires before we have a major blowout. RV tires don't need to be replaced because the tread wears out, but they get old, cracked and rot, causing blowouts and major undercarriage dameage. With 6 new tires to buy, it's going to be a major expense, but since tires need to be replaced every 5-6 years, and ours are at least 6 years old, it's a good precaution.

I was going to post some pics from the night ride, but none of them turned out. We didn't take the camera on the Sunday ride because of the fear of rain..and we just plain forgot. :-)


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