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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Go Tigers!!!

This afternoon Rich & I watched the Tigers beat the Oakland A's to win the American League championship!!! The Tigers are going to be in (and hopefully win) the world series for the first time since 1984....when I was 15! Now I am definately a fair-weather fan. This was probably the first Tigers game I've watched in many years, but it sure was an exciting one!

In other news, I've been riding my scooter all over and getting more comfortable on it. In fact, yesterday I rode it 10 miles to a new sushi place. Getting there involved going out onto Oracle Rd., which is similar to M-59 in Highland, Michigan. I got up to 60mph with plenty of throttle to go. It was strange to go that far in a scooter, but fun at the same time. Oh...on a slightly different topic, a motorcyclist did "the wave" to me on my way to work on Wednesday...made my day!

In geeky news...I used Rich's wrist-mount GPS thingy to check the speedometer on my scooter. It appears to be reading 5mph faster than I'm actually going. I also learned that we're at 3120' above sea level. That's about 600' above Tucson and 1200' above Phoenix, but 2300' below Denver.



At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Tigers indeed! You may be a fair-weather fan now, but you watch the World Series and things will change. Cheers, Dawn and Stephen.

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Laura said...

It's just too bad SOMEBODY chose to sell their season tickets this year. :-(


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