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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Horseback Riding; Jackson, WY

Laura found a place in Alpine (little town SW of Jackson) that had horse rentals, unguided, for $55/full day. That is GREAT deal! We've done riding in North Carolina and Albuquerque, NM; They've always been guided trips where you plod along in a long group line. Now, this is OK with Rich, mister horse novice, but not Laura, miss horse "expert". So the thought of being able to go on an unguided trip was too much for her to pass up.

Here's Laura posing with her horse, Pal.

Here I am with my horse, Major!

These horses were outstanding in every way. Best handling horses of any other riding excursion we have done!

We wound our way up some pretty steep single track trail to an overlook of the town of Alpine (pop. about 300).

After about an hour and a half up, this was our view overlooking this massive town ;)

We packed lunches with us, and they had a grain bucket at the top for the horses. We sat enjoyed the view and our lunch for a while.

Here is Laura on the way down the single track trail.

Here my view coming down from the overlook.

The ranch hands at the stable told us to be on the look out for a moose and her calf and to make sure if we saw them that we did not get inbetween the two of them. Yes, wildlife opportunity! So far we've seen black bear, elk, mule deer, eagle, Osprey and fox all we need to add is a moose encounter.

Well, we didn't see the moose. However a guy who was out there alone, who we met up with back at the stable, claims to have saw them right near the trail that comes down from the outlook!

We lasted 4 hours, which was about all our butts could take! We found out, on our return, they have a half day rate of $35. I think we might come back Monday, skip the lunch and lingering at the Outlook, and search out the moose and her calf!



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