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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The State of the Tour!

6 Months On The Road

Today we celebrate our 6 month anniversary of being on the road! We can't believe it has come up this quickly. In Fact, it was just about this time last year we actually purchased the rig, set a date for departure, put the house up for sale and started 'downsizing'. In actuality, we are 1 year in to this whole adventure. What an amazing year it has been!

unfortunately, we begin the next 6 month's of the tour a little dazed and frustrated. Today, we drive up to Gilroy, CA. We have an appt with a Safari dealer to, hopefully, solve our leak issues once and for all. This has been a major frustration, since its been raining almost everyday for a week. We've kept the slide in, which stopped the leak, but makes our already small living space that much smaller! I'm sure we'll have an update on repairs later in the week.

I had this plan to a big recap, as I did on our post of the first 30 days, but right now, I don't have the energy, or the time. Needless to say, we are really enjoying the travel, the freedom, the people we have met, the friends we have made, all of the adventures, good and bad (although we seem to be on the bad side of adventures lately!). I guess that explains why the last 6 month's seemed to have passed so quickly ;)

We still have a lot of territory to cover and places to explore. As the summer approaches, we are learning we need to plan and make reservations in advance. As kids get of school and families start taking vacations, campgrounds are filling up. It goes against our original plan of just kind of flying by the seat of our pants, but we don't want to be left without a place to stay. Our plans for the summer are falling into place. I'll plan on adding a map and the plan to this post in the next few days.

So far, its been a wild ride, and we're just getting started! Thanks for following along on this crazy adventure!



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