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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

New Signs!

A lot of RVer's have signs either on or placed around their rigs. They usually have their names, kids names, pets names, where their from etc... The signs are usually a great way to break the ice with new campers, in a new campground as it gives you something quick to talk about!

Most of the signs we have seen are usually of the routed 'burned' wood style. Those just have not appealed to us. While we were at Catalina Spa in Desert Hot Springs, we noticed the beautiful painted signs our friends Susan and Rick have. We also noticed their signs matched all of the signs around the park. Turns out the guy that does this work was right across the street from us!

Our neighbor, Walter is an old school sign maker. Before the days of laser cut vinyl, computers and plastics. He does all of work by hand, with paint. Of course, he's long since retired. He and his wife are traveling around the country enjoying life. He travels with supplies and does work to keep himself busy. Looking around the campground, he's been a busy guy!

Perfect opportunity to get a sign made, just the way we want it!

Now, you can have something completely custom designed, more expensive of course. Or, you can select a template he has prepped ahead of time.

We found this really cool light house design that we thought was appropriate, being from Michigan. Here is a close-up of our new sign!

(Click on the pick to enlarge)

Our friends Susan and Rick have signs made for some of the business' they have. Rick does RV detailing and window chip repair. Susan does Reiki Treatments and computer tutoring. This gave Laura an idea! We have noticed in some of the parks we stay at, the older residents have a lot of trouble with computers, getting on-line and e-mail.

Laura is going to provide basic computer tutoring and helping others set up blogs and journals so family can keep track of them as they travel around! So, while Walter was making our sign, we had him make up a sign for Laura's side 'job'!

I didn't want to attach our signs directly to our rig. I found these plant trellises for 5 bucks each at Lowes. A couple of wood screws and we were all set!


At 8:14 AM, Blogger CorporateHippy said...

Laura's doing computer tutoring? Uh oh! hehe ..

Larua, remember your mantra: friends don't let friends use Gator


Miss you guys!

At 11:08 AM, Blogger A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

I'm busy working on our sign-hand painted of course. The problem with doing that in Arizona is the paint dries too quickly and I want to do one-stroke which doesn't use water. Impossible here so will have to wait to complete it till we get back east where it's humid! I have a photo of the beginnings of it (lettering done) on my blog.



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