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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

This is Really Cool!

We're counting you!

Have you ever hit that little button up in the corner of your screen that says 'Next Blog'? It takes you to a random blog. Makes for REALLY interesting reading!

I've noticed that a lot of these blogs have counters on them. It would be really interesting to see how many hits we get on our little section of the web. So, after some research, I found out how to add one of these counters, free! (www.sitemeter.com if you're interested.) Now, I'm not a computer guy by any means, and this might not be news (or exciting) to the more computer savvy among you. I was amazed at the number of visits in the 3 days the counters been up!

In the past 3 days, we've had over 100 visits to our blog and around 45 unique visitors! We're even going global, we have two readers in Australia! I've mapped most of the unique visitors in the map, but its starting to get crowded!

We started the blog primarily for family and friends to keep track of us as we moved around the country. We had no idea that readership would be like this! The web is an amazing place.

So, thanks to everyone for visiting and taking the time to read our ramblings (avg visit time is 3.5 minutes, now I'm turning into a computer geek!) This definitely will keep us motivated to keep the blog current, TRY to keep it interesting and include a lot of pictures. We always enjoy the comments and e-mails we receive as well, keep them coming!

Thanks again!


At 12:01 AM, Blogger Cozalcoatl said...

Ha i found you by hitting 'next blog' and i'm from Australia...double points.:)

Looks like a awesome trip you are doing.
Back in '99 my American husband and I spend 10 months visiting, driving, camping and hiking from CA to NY and back again. Our Golden Eagle pass got a great workout.
Have a great trip.

At 12:15 AM, Blogger A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

I've been reading your blog for some time now. We actually met Rick & Susan as Susan gave us the same offer that she gave you guys so we spent some time at Catalina over Christmas and then went back as guests of another couple we met there for a week in January.

We too are full timers for 1 1/2 yrs now and are from Ontario, Canada.

I really enjoy reading the blogs of other RVers.

Keep up the good work.



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