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Sunday, July 16, 2006

Mobile Blog from D' Town

I arrived in Detroit on Friday afternoon and it was hot and humid(typical for July). My mom was nice enough to put me up for the night and had a wonderful grilled fish dinner waiting for me.

Saturday started early. I met Charlie(One of the family owners of Maverick, in the pic above) at the BBQ at 9 to setup. We were going to be grilling, sampling and talking to customers from 10 to 3. The forcast high for the day was 96 and I was was going to be behind the grll the for at least a portion of the day.

I think the heat of the day actually kept attendance down from last year. The event was still an overall success. By the time it was over, I was tired and hot!

After the event, I called up Lexington to see what my mother-in-law was up to. Turns out they were having a little get together for birthday's. I cleaned myself up, had some dinner and made the 1.5 hour drive up. It was an enjoyable evening and great to catch up with everyone.

Tonight I'm back to my moms house for the night. Monday is another busy day. I have to pay a visit to all of my customers, meet up with Charlie to do radio spot about organic meat and get to the airport for my flight at 3 PM.

I'm due to land back in Portland at 7PM.... I can't wait to get back :)


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