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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Bike & a hike in Eugene

Today was my first full day alone, while poor Rich gets to BBQ in 92 degree heat in Michigan. I slept in until 9am & stumbled down to breakfast. Later I was trying to figure out what to do for the day when I remembered that the is today. Since it's a little over a mile away and parking is a pain, I rode my bike. It was a little tricky because getting there is a combination of path and road, but I found it. I wandered around without buying anything, then headed back. I had the urge to explore! I thought about taking a drive, then decided I wanted to hike, so I got online and
found a hiking trail that's about 20 miles southeast of here, in the Willamette national forest. Once I got to the Goodman Creek Trailhead, I figured it'd be a good idea to put on some bug spray, since I was going deep into the woods. Here's a picture of the trail about 1/4 mile of the way in.

A little further along, I came across the biggest slug I'd ever seen. You can see my foot in the corner, for scale:

The trail follows along a ridge, then dives down to a creek, before climbing back up to the ridge. Here's a picture of a 1/2 bridge that was built to cross the creek:

Here's a picture of the trail as it meanders along the ridge:

After a bit of climbing, I came to this vantage point, called "Eagles Elbow", but don't ask me why.

At that point, I turned around because it was going on 2pm and I hadn't had lunch. I think this is going to be a chill night.



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