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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Ahhh....so much to write about since my last post. On Sunday we had a great breakfast with all our mtb (mountain bike) friends, then we packed up and headed for Copper Harbor, waaaayy at the tippy top of the U.P.(Upper Peninsula) of Michigan. The last 10 miles or so was a very narrow, very twisty road. The whole trip had been tiring because of the wind, but this last 10 miles was a bit nerve wracking. Rich needed a nap after that. By the way....our campground is Lake Fanny Hooe resort and campground. It's very nice. Our site has full hookups including cable TV and free wireless internet. I'm digging this campground internet stuff, especially free.

Yesterday we did a bike ride that included 1000' feet of climbing, possibly the most I've ever done, or at least in the past 2 years. Once we got to the road there was a choice of a downhill singletrack, or a easy cruise down the road (1 mile). Rich, George, and I rode the singletrack. Mary, Michelle, Yale and Lucas (their kids) opted for the road. At first it was some short twisty sharp downs, but then it leveled off and was just fun swooping through the trees. I had a big grin on my face afterward.

Today was slated as a "relatively flat 8-10 mile" dirt road ride to the point. It wasn't flat.....at all. It was some huge ups (one at least a mile), but mostly up & down. I turned back at 6.5 miles. Rich did the whole thing which was about 10 miles out. Above are pics he took at the point. After he got back and showered, we tried to nap but couldn't, so we drove up to a virgin pine forest (some 500+ yrs. old) and did a 1.2 mile hike. I thought it would be a nice wander through the woods, but turned out to be up up up, then down down down...all while stumbling over roots and rocks. It was beautiful but my knees were aching on the downs.


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