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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Just 7 days of work left!

I thought I only had 7 days of work left, and I somewhat do. I originally was going to have Augugst 12th be my last day, but I figured out if I use the remainder of my vacation time and work on the 29th, I'm saving 1/2 month of Cobra payments and I'll have insurance through the end of August...so that's what I'm doing. Either way, I'm a "short-timer" around here.

Nothing much new on the house except it's going to get "radio play" in a week or two. My agent is friends with a mortgage broker who started his own company and is going to be advertising how you can get our fabulous home for the same payment as one that's $150,000 less. It'll get mentioned daily for a week. Let's hope this generates something. I had hoped that an article in the paper about Hartland Twp. and how great it is last week would have generated some interest. We're still getting "drive-bys", but no showings since the California people, who have since decided not to move to Michigan. :-(


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