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Monday, February 13, 2006

Mountain biking and a hike

Pictures coming next time I have internet....forgot the camera card for uploading. Oops!

Yesterday we got back to Tucson, only this time we're staying at Catalina State park, which is in Oro Valley, about 8 miles north of Tucson. There's a mountain bike trail and several hiking trails here, plus we can't beat the price of only $20 per night. As soon we got all set up in our campsite, we changed into our bike clothes and headed off to do the 50 year trail. The name comes from the fact that the trail is on state land that on lease from the govt. for 50 years, or until 2039. The trail started at the horse campground, and immediately goes up. The first part wasn't too bad because it leveled off after a bit of up. Rich took off so he could do a boy ride, leaving me to continue at my lesurely, slow girl pace. Pretty soon the trail went up again...and up and up and up. I started walking, figuring I could keep walking up for awhile, since it was all down on the way back. The sun was sooo strong that day! I felt like I was baking...and I was because silly me forgot to put on suntan lotion. The temp. was only 77, but it felt a lot hotter. After awhile, I'd had enough up, so I flew back down the hill to the campground. Whew! What a fun ride!

Today we went on a 1.5 hr. hike in the Catalina mountains. I don't know how high we climbed, but we got up pretty high and went about 2.5-3 miles. We'd stop and take in the sites occasionally. At one point, we got to a location where there were supposed to be pools, but since there hasn't been rain here since Oct. 17, the pools were dry. After about 45 minutes of climbing up, I tripped and fell on some rocks, bloodying myself up a bit. Since I was getting pretty tired anyway, we went back down. Whew! My knees were feeling it on the downhill.

Tomorrow we're taking the moho in for a bit of service work, then later in the week, we're getting a recall part installed. The plan is to head over to Palm Springs by Tuesday.



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