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Monday, November 07, 2005


Yesterday we finally got out on bikes. We rode road bikes from our campground into town, and onto a recreation trail we found. Unfortunately, it only went for about 2 miles. So we wandered around residential streets on our bikes, exploring neighborhoods. Not all of them were so nice. But the whole town was deliciously flat.  We were able to put together a 10 mile ride with hardly breaking a sweat. The weather was a beautiful 73 with very intense sun. We should have put on suntan lotion. After lunch we cruised over to the Alien Research Center and UFO museum. It had some very internesting exhibits that really caused me to think. Did a UFO crash in Roswell back in 1947? And how did anyone know, considering we drove through 100 miles of absolutely nothing to get there? We also did some grocery shopping that afternoon and did some surfing in visitors’ center parking lot, taking advantage of their wi-fi connection.

Today we did a 230 mile drive from Roswell to Albuquerque. Ahhh….it’s good to be back in civilization. Our drive was easy but included a lot of gradual climbing. At our lunch stop we were at 5900’, but once we started going west on I-40, we started going downhill….a lot. Since we climbed a lot after our lunch stop, I’m guessing we’re at about 4500-5000’ above sea level. Tomorrow we’re going to explore downtown Albuquerque. On Wednesday we’re going horseback riding, then we’re possibly leaving Thursday or Friday, we’re not sure yet. I could easily stay a week here, it seems like a very cool and scenic city. I think we’ll probably stay until at least Friday so we have a day to go up to Santa Fe, about an hour away.


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